Monday, December 31, 2012

A (Happy) New Year!

2012 has been one for the books, and for the majority of it not in an especially good way.  Bring on 2013!  However, it's worth celebrating just getting through it.
Happy New Year!
(And for the love of gawd please no resolutions; just shoot for the moon! Life is short.)
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I'm going to wear this & the bottoms while eating ice cream and sipping champagne in bed tonight.


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For the bedside champagne, this will pull up nicely

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Credits: thoushallcovert via a glamorous little side project via tumblr/ allthingsgorgeous via tumblr/ maisonsblanches via tumblr/ pinterest

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Mid-winter beach house fantasies

 Vicarious living: good friends are looking to buy a house on* a lake.  Their tastes run decidedly "beachy". This is what I'd do:

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A great reading nook for the bookworms.  Note the whitewashed walls, floors.
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Living Rooms! Mash them styles together...
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Blue furniture sounds like a must for multiple reasons.
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With 2 boys & a GIANT dog, this would make a great option to keep grubby hands/ feet outside!
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Photo Credits: a),
 b), c), d)Home, e)Elle Decor, f) House Beautiful
*ok just very very NEAR a large body of water